Labyrinthine Sentence

This week, we were assigned to write a labyrinthine sentence, or a grammatically correct sentence containing at least 100 words. Mine is about the major flaw that characterizes our society- the desire to be perfect. It is 119 words long.

It was a dreary day; the sky was filled with clouds, the air was heavy with fog, and the people dragged to work and school to fill their monotonous position in the crazy assembly we call our society, which is obsessed with perfection; perfect order, perfect bodies, and perfect minds that are completely filled with knowledge we certainly do not need and probably should not know for the sake of our innocence and our leisure, as this knowledge forces us to labor endlessly to achieve fulfillment, a status that can also be defined as happiness, an emotion often attained through simplicity, which is hard to accept with the pressure of a society grasping for what the people call perfection.

2 thoughts on “Labyrinthine Sentence

  1. I really related to your sentence, i completely agree with everything you said. I wish society would not set such standards we have to follow or i wish we wouldn’t conform to societies rules. But yea, i agree with your statement and i really liked this sentence.


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